Prayer of Preparation for Worship

Themes: Sovereignty and authority of God Almighty and Sovereign God, as we gather in Your name, we come humbly, recognizing Your supreme authority over all things. For “the earth is [Yours], and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” We gather in reverence, acknowledging that You are the Alpha and the …

Welcome & Prayer of Preparation for Worship

(Inspired by What Happens When We Worship by Jonathan Landry Cruse, pg 32) We are gathered here on this Lord’s Day, not only to glorify God in worship but to train our hearts and minds for the Kingdom of God. Every week, from Monday through Saturday, the world tells us what matters most, what is …

Prayer of Preparation for Worship based on Psalm 2

Heavenly Father, we gather here again to worship, according to your sovereign will and redemptive call. You are unmoved by the nations who rage against You and the peoples who plot in vain against Your Anointed One. You have set King Jesus on his eternal throne. Lord, you reign forever. Your glory is eternal and …