The Songs

Featured Songs

Hymn Revisions

Approach My Soul, the Mercy Seat
Words by John Newton, Music by Gary Brumley.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 4:16
Themes: grace, forgiveness, drawing near to God

Break My Heart of Stone
Lyrics by Charles Wesley. Music by Gary Brumley
Themes: repentance, prayer, reconciliation, forgiveness

Christ Be With Me (St. Patrick’s Breastplate)
Text: St. Patrick’s Breastplate, 5th Century (adapted).
Music and Adaptation by Gary Brumley
Themes: faith, Christian life, Trinity, Christ

God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Lyrics by William Cowper. Public Domain.
Additional lyrics and music by Gary Brumley.
Themes: providence, the hiddenness of God, God’s sovereignty

How Kind Are Your Ways
Original Lyrics by John Kent, 1803.
Lyric adaptation and music by Gary Brumley
Script Ref: Romans 2:4
Themes: the kindness of God, grace, redemption, conversion, sovereign grace

Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
Text: Charles Wesley, 1758 (st 1, 2, 5) John Cennick, 1752 (st 3, 4). Music: Gary Brumley
Scripture Ref: Revelation 1:7
Themes: the return of Christ, judgment, redemption

O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head
Original lyrics by Anne R. Cou­sin (1824-1906), adapted.
Additional lyrics and music by Gary Brumley
Scripture Ref: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Themes: atonement, substitution, cross, Christ’s suffering, death, union with Christ

O Come and Mourn with Me Awhile
Frederick William Faber (1849), Adapted.
Additional lyrics and Music by Gary Brumley
Themes: Meditating on the cross, seven last words of Christ

O Gracious Source of Every Good
Verse 1, 2 by Harriett Auber (1854), adapted,
Verse 3 by Henry Frances Lyte (1793-1847), adapted,
Additional lyrics and music by Gary Brumley.
Themes: comfort, protection, refreshment

Revive Your Work, O God
Original Lyrics by Albert Midlane, 1861. Adapted.
Additional lyrics and Music by Gary Brumley.
Scripture Ref: Isaiah 53:1, John 6:35, John 4:35, Ephesians 2:1
Themes: revival, new life

We Are Waiting, Waiting Here
Words by Horatius Bonar, Music by Gary Brumley.
Themes: the return of Christ, waiting on the Lord

Original Songs

Be Still and Know (Psalm 46)
Words and Music by Gary Brumley.
Based on Psalm 46
Themes: God’s protection, deliverance, hope, protection, 

Christ is Our Redeemer
Words and Music by Gary Brumley.
Scripture Ref: Matthew 5:3, Matthew 6, Matthew 21:9; John 8:34; Psalm 51:17
Themes: Palm Sunday, Hosanna, Son of David, Triumphal Entry

Overwhelmed By You
Words and Music by Gary Brumley
Scripture Ref: Psalm 19:1-4, Romans 1:20, Luke 19:10, Revelation 21:1-5
Themes: Awe, Thanksgiving, Creation, Scriptures, The incarnation, The cross, New Heavens & New Earth, 

The Parting Hymn
Verse 1, by Joseph Hart, 1762 (altered).
Additional lyrics and Music by Gary Brumley
Themes: The church, Gathered worship, dismissal, evangelism, mission