Welcome & Prayer of Preparation (Building His Church)


Welcome family. Welcome brothers and sisters in the Lord. Welcome guests. As you make your way in, gathering our physical bodies into this space, I invite you to begin gathering your thoughts as well – focusing on Jesus – who by the will of his Father, through the gospel, and by the power of his Holy Spirit, is at work sanctifying his church, reconciling us to himself and one to another, healing divisions, making us his adopted children of God, and preparing us for glory.

Let’s go to the Lord in prayer.

Prayer of Preparation

Heavenly Father, we begin this day by giving thanks to You for saving Your people through the works of Jesus—the Son of God—and the Holy Spirit who has effectually called us to faith. We are Your people, bought by the blood of Christ. Thank you for gathering us together under the banner of the Gospel of Jesus and uniting us to Christ and to one another. Through this gathering, we trust that You are at work building a church against which the gates of Hades will not prevail.1

Father, strengthen Your people by Your Spirit for enduring faith in Jesus. Spirit, tune our hearts to sing His praise.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  1. Matthew 16:18 ↩︎