Call to Worship from Psalm 113

We’ll begin worship this morning with a congregational call to worship from Psalm 113. A “call to worship” is an exhortation to others to worship. By reading this congregationally, we invite one another to join in God’s praise.

Before we recite this passage I want to point out a few things. This passage tells us both when and where to praise the Lord. Notice verse two – “from this time forth and forevermore”—that’s the when. When should you praise the Lord? At all times—from right now to eternity future. And where should we praise the Lord? That’s answered in verse three – “From the rising of the sun to its setting.” This is not a reference to time. This doesn’t mean we should praise the Lord from morning to night. No, the Psalmist has already told us to praise him forevermore! Rather the Psalmist is saying from where the sun rises to the place where the sun sets and in every land in between – there, may the name of the Lord be praised!

Let’s stand and read together.

Congregational Call to Worship from Psalm 113

Praise the LORD!
Praise, O servants of the LORD,
     praise the name of the LORD!
Blessed be the name of the LORD
     from this time forth and forevermore!
From the rising of the sun to its setting,
     the name of the LORD is to be praised!

(Psalm 113:1–3 ESV)